Tuesday, January 19, 2010

3 Tricks When Talking On The Phone with A Woman You Have Met Online

You've met an interesting woman online. You have fun chatting online and she decided
to give her phone number. Now you must make him want to meet face to face, and
phone is the only tool.

The first phone is the most important one. Of course you have his number, but nothing
won yet.

1. Before you call you should have prepared a list of some topics to discuss. Hopefully your email exchanges have given you some information to follow. Study her profile to think of other topics to be discussed. Prepare open-ended questions. Started talking about a subject,
and give him a chance to speak also.

2. Do not ask questions about other people he 's view, interrogate suspicious about how he spent his time, and angrily reprimand her for flaking on you. How he spent his business.
Many men sabotage their chances with women by not giving her enough credit and respect.

You know there is a problem if you do all talking and short replies or not. If so it is good that you do not hit on the right topic to talk about, or, more likely, he was not interested. Also, if he ended his initial conversation or "must go", it's up he calls you again, if he wants. Normally, he would not.

So, when talking with a woman on the phone is not worried impressed him. Fun. Enjoy
conversation. Entertain yourself.

3. In the first phone conversation is better to remain away from the compliment. I think it gives women praise can be very strong. But when you give praise a woman in the context of
trying to win her heart, you become a coward.

Usually women who wonder why their male talk to online decided to pick them up instead
thousandths of other profiles. Most of them will ask you about this "reason" and by doing this
gives you the opportunity to make a compliment.

If the conversation flows easily, without effort, if You find him quite responsive, and you can save up the conversation for at least half an hour you can ask her out.

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